Crap At My Parents' House
Crap At My Parents' House
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Crap at My Parents' House is a laugh-out-loud celebration of all the weird, odd, and unfathomably tacky stuff that our moms and dads accumulate without our knowledge or consent. Comedian Joel Dovev has compiled and commented upon the best (or would that be worst?) items submitted by folks from around the globe in a very funny - but fair - way, revealing all those dirty secrets that range from deer hoof bottle openers and plush Oscar Meyer Wienermobiles to soccer-playing Jesus ceramics and grizzly bear toilet paper holders. Whether you're 15 or 65 and still shaking your head at your mom and dad's decorating choices, Crap at My Parents' House is a reason to be thankful for parents being so unintentionally hilarious.

Vendor Style: 9781419700736

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